How to stay on-track with your curriculum: Each tierbook should be finished in about 4 weeks, with one extra week to wrap up loose ends and ensure any problems areas are completed. Since most tierbooks are about 30-40 pages, a teacher can set as a goal to cover one page (or a little more) on the average each day. Some days you will cover less, some days more. But keeping that average in mind as a goal will help you to stay on-track.
Social Service Project: Engage your students in an effective SUPW / FA / Service Learning project for teaching any illiterate person (like a domestic helper) to learn how to read. The Global Dream project was launched with the participation of some 150 schools of Lucknow and surrounding cities with 66,000 students participating. Other language versions are being finalised for English, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannar, Telugu, Tamil, Oriya, Bengali and Urdu, among others. Global Dream is a non-profit initiative of Global Classroom, in collaboration with DEVI--Dignity Education, Vision International