SINGLE SUBJECT Solutions for the Core Subjects
Option 1: English, Maths, Hindi (choice of one or all subjects)
WHAT's Provided?
- Subject solutions are provided for mastery in the important core subjects of English, Mathematics and Hindi.
- Textbooks in two-parts are supplemented with unique and effective study materials for the development of Speaking Skills or Mastery in Mathematics, for example.
- There is also a Control of Error Book and a Perfection Digital Book for the teacher.
- Assessments and Personalised Self-Diagnostic Reports are equivalent to 4 FA's and 2 SA's.
- Processes and methods fully incorporate Hands-on Materials with teacher guidelines on how to conduct these. A range of tactile learning materials such as reciprocal learning cards are provided along with option of hands-on materials. They turn every class into a laboratory.
- Parent Guidelines and Teacher Handbooks are supplemented with optional training for teachers by subject experts, parent workshops and quality supervision.
Option 2: Complete Solution for All Subjects
WHAT's Provided?
- Covers all subjects and provides seamless integration of all objectives for Playgroup to Class V. No other textbooks are required.
- Each subject consists of 6 Classbooks (a total of some 24-30 Classbooks / child / year). Classbooks are combined textbook, workbook and teacher guide.
- Pre and post-tests provide self-diagnosis, personalised plans, feedback and encourage improvement.
- Sufficient quantity of hands-on materials ensure every child's active participation. these turn every class into a laboratory in independent, paired and group work.
- Teacher instructions at the beginning of every chapter encourage differentiation even in large classrooms.
- Built in processes meet objectives of an integrated and more effective, personalised, creative, and broader education.
Option 3: Complete Solution for All Subjects

WHAT's Provided?
- Global ME! is a separate, more elaborate and extensive solution that includes more
- worksheets, more assessments and more hands-on experiences than either Global MAXIM or YES! I Can.
- Each subject consists of 6-Part Tierbooks (a total of some 24-30 Tierbooks / child / year).These combined textbook, workbook and teacher guide provide more accountability.
- Control of Error Books help with mastery. A unique daily perfection log replaces a diary.
- Four Inspire and two Empower Assessments map well to FA's and SA's. All Inspire Assessments come with self-diagnosis and personal development plans and include full diagnostic reports two times a year.
- Sufficient quantity of hands-on materials ensure every child's participation and convert every class into a laboratory.
- Teacher training and school audits are helpful to the Principal.
- For Pre-Primary classes, full colour notebooks are mapped to each Tierbook.

Our Curriculum
Early signing up
- You can bring the parents and teachers and board, include Global Curriculum in the new fee structure for next year, profile your new program your annual magazine,
- You can also train your teachers in advance of the next session.