Focus on Process
Start each lesson with concrete or kinesthetic learning, then proceed to abstraction followed by written expression.
Improve understanding of every topic with hands-on experiences before teaching.
Every Child's Involvement
Turn every class into a laboratory and involve every child in every activity.
Control of Error
Provide instant feedback and follow it with immediate corrective action.
Make assessment rubrics transparent for all children so that they know better what is expected of them.
Team Work and Leadership
Integrate teamwork and leadership into the daily curriculum itself.
Our Curriculum
Early signing up
- You can bring the parents and teachers and board, include Global Curriculum in the new fee structure for next year, profile your new program your annual magazine, etc.in
- You can also train your teachers in advance of the next session.
Provide a high performing and meaningful education based on the principle of 'Compete with Yourself '
and the world's largest meta-analysis of education research (50,000 individual researches and 800 other meta-analysis).
Advanced and accelerated
- Improve academic results of every child and class.
- Reduce weight of the school bag.
- Cover more and achieve more academic goals in less time.
- Reduce teacher workload and improve teacher effectiveness,creativity and engagement.
- Improve every child's confidence.
- Create intrinsic motivation and an inner desire to excel
- Make tuition unnecessary.
- Provide on-going self-diagnostic feedback throughout the year that allows early diagnosis and intervention.
- Create happy children, teachers and parents.
- Choose from three unique options according to what your parents can afford:
- Single Subject Solutions: YES! I Can.(English, Mathematics, Hindi)
- Complete Solution: MAXIM (economy model, all subjects)
- Complete Solution: ME! (top model, all subjects)
- Ask for volume discounts. Customize with your school logo (if large volume).
- Partner for school success if a new school.
View it right now
- Check out the entire range of materials online on www.globalclassroom.in/content
- Ask for any other information by filling a preference form online on www.globalclassroom.in/preference.aspx
Try for one subject one class or all, and witness the diō€€¯erence in your students and teachers.