Hands-on teaching techniques: PreK-VIII

Montessori said ‘the hand builds the brain.’ Today, brain scientists can only agree. Our activity-based kinesthetic learning techniques bring the playground into the classroom. Students and teachers both have fun using these scientifically proven learning methods. No other curriculum can claim to integrate hundreds of activities into an organized learning system.

Students compete with themselves, not against others.

This powerful ethic brings out the best in every child..

Self-teaching curriculum

Special aides like ‘worked examples’ included in student pages allow the student to progress with less attention from the teacher. Students can progress faster, learn more independently. The material becomes more readily understandable.

Work corrected promptly in class – no teacher homework

When children’s work is corrected later and returned after a day or more, students lose interest and don’t benefit from the corrections. Only immediate feedback improves learning. That’s why our curriculum is designed provided immediate correction and positive feedback in the class at all times.

Interwoven values and moral education

Moral values are not a separate subject in Global curricula. Values are integrated into the main subjects in Global curriculum.

Assessments are included; keyed to subjects

Global curriculum is based on the idea that assessments should be written by the experts who wrote the curriculum. This provides fair, balanced and more helpful assessments. It also saves much teacher time. Why should this same task be performed over and over?

Makes tuition obsolete

Tuition is only needed when the subject matter is not taught properly during the school day. Global curriculum eliminates need for tuition, thus freeing the child to pursue other interests such as music, hobbies, sports and pleasure reading. This produces a well-rounded individual.

Our Curriculum

Early signing up

  • You can bring the parents and teachers and board, include Global Curriculum in the new fee structure for next year, profile your new program your annual magazine,
  • You can also train your teachers in advance of the next session.
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