Combined English

Part A - Textbook / Workbook
Section A1

Teacher Page
Teacher guidelines
Method of teaching:
Oral coverage of all compulsory modules is suggested before written expression.

Combined English
Picture Recognition
Literature Prose – Values Consistent
Comprehension Questions
Oral and Written

Student Friendly Worksheets
Student friendly worksheets
In short modules
Increasing difficulty level
Theory at the bottom reaffirms concepts
Compulsory modules are followed by
Optional modules

Use of Multiple Intelligences Is Integrated In The Introduction Of Each Topic

  • Combines the objectives of teaching both language and literature*.
  • Accelerated and interactive techniques incorporated within the book focus a class on the development of oral / spoken English skills.

*There are plenty of short literature pieces and poetry in the MAXIM. We suggest, however, that literature be supplemented with a reading programme combined with the study of one or two classics a year.

Part A - Textbook / Workbook Combined With Teacher Notes
Students colour a piece of My Log of Completed Work as they complete each module
Textbook                                                                          Workbook
Teacher Reference                                                       Student Reference


Each MAXIM English ClassBOOK provides ideas for the use of multiple intelligences with the use of, for example, interactive / kinesthetic methods that bring a lesson alive for the students. Language is taught through picture recognition of grammar concepts, patterns in poetry and prose and through exercises in short creative modules. Short stories are used to reinforce reading and communication and to develop both written and oral comprehension and expression.

Allows students to move at their own pace. Faster students are not held back. Minimum materials at the class level are clearly specified in compulsory modules. Extra work is given in optional modules. Short modules build confidence at each step.
Provides Differentiation within a topic
– a student who has understood a concept can do extra work in that topic
Differentiation across topics
– does not classify students as overall “good” or “weak”. Focus is instead on details of topics in which a student is strong and or in which s/he needs to improve.

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