
“We have been enthusiastic participants in the GEMS mathematics program from June 2007. The Maxim books with their interactive and illustrative exercises are both useful and interesting. The children have enjoyed the 'hands-on' activities which have helped them assimilate concepts in simple, effective and practical ways.”

Nirmala Rebello & Eunice De Sa
Principal (Secondary & Junior Schools)
Sharada Mandir School, Goa

“Wonderful series! It shows that the author has a deep rooted knowledge of the problems of students, teachers and parents. Very effective for the teaching of English.”

Anita Dey
Principal, W. H. Smith Memorial School, Varanasi

Comments of Teachers

  • “A number of exercises have been given with examples to clear the concepts of the child.”
  • “They are self-explanatory; the topics are made clear step-wise and thus creates interest in the child and promotes self-study and competition with oneself.”
  • “GEMS materials introduced in this current session have made a tremendous change in [children's] understanding of topics.”
  • “Simple and easy techniques have been adopted to make every topic easy [to understand].”
  • “Innovative methods make each and every topic interesting.”
  • “A child takes keen interest and is engrossed in doing the books independently.”

“This book is really helpful for the children as it helps in understanding and practising very nicely what is taught in class. The child has understood himself what he has to do.”

“MAXIM classbook is very helpful in children's learning, children learns difficult topics very easily by this method.”

“The maxim classbooks addresses learning by organising materials in a logical way, so that within class, every child can excel.”

“The book is very simple to understand, made absolutely for usage by very small kids. Gives better chance to children to learn things more interestingly.”

“Gems maths and English books are very much informative and cover wide range of topics in the subject. These books improve practical skill of a child in an effective way.”

“GEMS is a good and simpler way to teach the student all basics and fundamentals. A student can easily grasp the things through the examples given in the chapters.”

“Gems books are very good for students. In books there are different types of questions which differentiate the child from other school's students. I think Gems books and its course will help the student further in higher classes also.”

“Students can understand better. It's a good book which makes children capable to do their studies.”

“Gems books are wonderful. Very good learning is possible through these books. I found in class I they helped my ward a lot.”

“I like the Gems book of Maths & English because I think that these books increases and gives a lot of knowledge to a student. These books are too good.”

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