Combined Textbook
Part A Combined Textbook / Workbook / Teacher Guide
- In ‘ My Index of Completed Work’, children keep a track of their effort. It helps the students, teachers and parents differentiate between those topics that a child found easy or difficult. It further provides opportunity for planning and goal-setting.
- Each topic has Compulsory and Optional Modules. A student will find s/he can move faster with some topics versus others.
- Demos at the beginning of each module make lessons easier to understand.
- Colour coded theory is integrated as ready reference.
- Notes and warm-up exercises make a lesson come alive for the student.
Combined Hindi
- Hindi Literature and Language
Combined English
- English Literature and Language with focus on Communicative / Spoken English. This Classbook should be supplemented with reading materials and literature that goes beyond short pieces, such as study of the classics and their abridged versions.
Combined Mathematics
- Theory Is Presented In Student-friendly Formats With Easy To Understand Colour Codes.
- Time Guidelines Help Build Speed And Accuracy..
PART B Continuous Evaluation and Solutions*
For Class Use
A Separate Solutions Booklet Provides
a Continuous Evaluation Sheets; and,
b Solutions to all questions in Part A above.
How to Use?
Teachers collect and keep all the solutions booklets at school and use them when needed for peer or self corrections by the students and for continuous evaluation / on-going diagnosis. This way, any remaining difficulties a class has in a topic are ironed out instantly before a teacher moves on to the next topic.Allows For the Teacher
- Instant feedback
- Peer checking / self checking
- Interaction teaching and learning
- Assessment for learning, not judgement
- Double check for the teacher (helps reduce teacher correction work)
Provides For the Parent
- Support for the parent / teacher
- Alternative to tuition